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Song 16:  Here I Am (And Nickleby’s My Name)



Nicholas forces Squeers to release Smike and encourages all the boys to overpower the Squeers family and take over Dotheboys Hall.  The boys run riot, wrecking everything in sight, and the revolution leaves the Schoolroom looking like the end of a battle scene.



The scene transforms itself back to the modern school where the classroom is in ruins just like at Dotheboys Hall.. The students look at the scene and start to clean up realizing that they had better do so before they get into trouble. Mike (Smeeton) helps organize the clean up, making a new semi circular arrangement of the seating that is less formal. The boys find themselves very happy as they recount the tale of Nicholas Nickleby.



Did they really enact the scenes at Dotheboys Hall?  They seem to remember the parts they played, but there is an element of doubt because nobody can say who played the part of Mrs. Squeers.



Miss Grant enters and is shocked to see how the classroom seating has been rearranged.  She goes off to fetch the Headmaster.



Mike has been touched by the entire experience of playing Smike.  Of course it happened, he tells his classmates and as proof he reminds them of 2 of the songs they sung together:



Song 17: Reprise of Don’t Let Life Get You Down/In The Warm Light Of A Brand New Day



When Miss Grant returns with the Headmaster, she is surprised to find that he likes the new arrangement. He feels that there is less of a barrier between the teacher and the students.



It seems that the Headteacher has also been affected by the journey to Dotheboys Hall.  His attitude to Mike is no longer bullying but  caring.  He takes him aside and tells the boy that he has just received a letter from his foster parents who want to get together and talk about his future.



The Headmaster tells the class that he has just finished studying Nicholas Nickleby and sees how important it is to give students more freedom. In fact, he is ready to let the boys perform a full-scale production of Nicholas Nickleby that they can rehearse during the school day. Miss Grant, too, is slowly won over by his way of thinking.



The students are confused.  Haven’t they just done ‘Nicholas Nickleby’?  However if their Headmaster thinks otherwise and is prepared to replace the Daily Test with rehearsals for ‘Nicholas Nickleby’, that’s fine by them.  “Learning by doing is much more fun  Sir!”



The show ends in consensus and rejoicing that the dramatic journey has ended with a new spirit of hope and belief in the future.



Song 18:  Believe



Song:  Reprise of Dotheboys Rock





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